Chess Club
"The game of chess is not merely an idle amusement. Several very valuable qualities of the mind, useful in the course of human life, are to be acquired or strengthened by it… Life is a kind of Chess, in which we have often points to gain, and competitors or adversaries to contend with.” – Benjamin Franklin
Children can participate in our weekly chess club that meets after school.
Open for grades 2-8
Traditional boards and a life-size board on the playground will both be used
Joining in competition with others outside the school is a goal
Academic Endeavors
STEM Schole - The club covers topics of mutual interest in earth, life and physical science, electronics technology and programming. In the 2021-2022 academic year, the first class will be Introduction to Electronics I and will include DC circuits, study of Ohm’s law and measurement of voltages and currents in a battery-powered voltage divider.Another exercise Atoms and Molecules will show atoms and molecules are small, have different sizes, can move, have weight as well as the concept of air pressure and how this affects our lives. All resources will be provided.
World renowned scientists, mathematicians and engineers will stop by and give presentations on their expertise during breaks in experimental activity. Deeper dive investigations will allow mastery of science while integrating with the school principles in Classical Education.Archdiocesan Faith Challenge Bowl - (Depending on Archdiocesan Hosting) This is a competition to highlight our students’ knowledge of the Catholic Faith. Teams of four students from each school compete in the Intermediate division (grades 4-5) and Middle School division (grades 6-8) during the Spring Semester.
Central New Mexico Science & Engineering Research Challenge - Students in Mid-school compete for the Science and Engineering Research Fair. The Science and Engineering Fair programs in New Mexico encourage inquisitive students to explore their environment in a systematic, logical manner. Science & Engineering Fair programs provide an opportunity for the best young scientists from around the State to share ideas, showcase cutting-edge science projects and compete for awards and scholarship money.
Geography Bee - The National Geographic GeoBee is an annual competition designed to inspire and reward students' curiosity about the world. Students in grades four through eight (4-8) from nearly 10,000 schools across the United States will compete in the 2019 National Geographic GeoBee for a chance to win college scholarships and the glory of being the National Geographic GeoBee Champion.
Scripps National Spelling Bee - Students 1st-8th can compete for the National Spelling Bee. Since 1925, children across America have participated in school, local and regional bees with the singular hope of making it to the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C. This year, 11 million students will join in the experience.
For several years now, the Junior St. Vincent De Paul Club has undertaken service projects which have been student led. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Catholic lay organization, inspiring people of all ages to relieve the suffering of the poor. Vincentians perform corporal and spiritual works of mercy in a spirit of humility and simplicity; assisting the poor with basic necessities like food, rent, utilities and more.
Additional Opportunities in Music
HCCS provides after school opportunities for choral instruction and private lessons for violin, cello, viola, and piano at the campus. The elective school choir performs during school masses and is showcased in the metro area for occasional events. We have an additional Christmas choir that performs a Christmas Concert/Children's Mass on Christmas Eve. Qualifying string instrument musicians also have an opportunity to participate in the Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program. For further information about music during the school day, please read about music on our academic subjects page
Suzuki Strings
Dr. Shinichi Suzuki based his educational method upon the idea that every child can learn to play an instrument when immersed in an environment which includes:
• early exposure to quality music
• enthusiastic support from the parent
• daily focused practice and listening
• constant review of skills learned
• private lessons with parent, teacher, and student
• group lessons with peers
• positive performance opportunities
The Suzuki Program at HCCS strives to provide on campus the environmental elements prescribed by Dr. Suzuki and to support parents in extending this environment to the home. Private lessons are offered after school hours, both on and off the HCCS campus. Group lessons are on campus during school hours.
For additional information on the Suzuki method, please see the Suzuki Association of the Americas
HCCS participates in the Albuquerque Parochial Independent Athletic League. The following sports are available:
Track & Field
Seeking Coaches for Basketbeall.
Theater has an integral part to play in our curriculum. In previous years the school produced two plays under the directions of talented volunteers and/or staff members. Generally these plays come from the Classical cannon such as the works of Shakespeare, Aeschylus, and Chesterton. Rehearsals are after school with productions usually happening in December and or April/May. When we perform, we do our best to glorify God and His creation and constantly ask for the intercession of St. Genesius, patron saint of Theater.
A Midsummer Night's Dream. This royalty-free play is part of a fantastic collection of plays for kids and teens on Drama Notebook https://www.dramanotebook.com/plays-for-kids/
Some of Our Prior Productions:
A Charlie Brown Christmas
Julius Casesar
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Second Shepherd’s Play
The Nativity: A Christmas Story
A Christmas in Wales
Scenes From Shakespeare
Doctors of the Church
Holy Child Catholic School is committed to preserving our Catholic intellectual tradition. This is why each of our classrooms is named after a Doctor of the Church.
At the bottom of each page of this website, you will see a photo of a Doctor of the Church and the classroom that honors that particular doctor.