What does the Church teach about the role of love between teacher and student in the classroom?

Saint Augustine said that there is a mutual indwelling of teacher and student such that the teacher begins to live in the student, and the student begins to live in the teacher, creating a virtuous circle in which truth travels round and round from soul to soul, almost erasing the lines between teacher and student. 

If you have a passion for....

...then we want to stay in touch! 

We'd love to have a conversation with you if you feel you are great fit for teaching or assisting at our school. 

Even if there are currently no openings for your desired position, feel free to email principal@holychildnm.com with your resume and introduce yourself to us!

It is always a pleasure to form relationships with like-minded individuals! 

Current Openings for the 24-25 School Year
email jmartinez@holychildnm.com with your resume.

Art Instructor

Holy Child Catholic School is looking for a dynamic, part-time Art teacher to lead our students toward a deeper appreciation of the beauty in God’s world and a deeper love of Christ and his Church.  Our curriculum, the St. Jerome Educational Plan, focuses on the great books of the Western tradition, but we also take seriously the central role fine arts instruction has in awakening students to the beauty within creation. Drawing instruction and art history are a central part of our curriculum. Candidates should be passionate about the rich heritage of the Church and of Western civilization in general, as manifested through art.  Please send a cover letter and resume to school principal, Mrs. Janice Martinez a jmartinez@holychildnm.com. Please carefully review our website as well www.holychildnm.com. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.


True education has always rested on two presuppositions. The first is that truth is desirable for its own sake. It is good not for what it does, but for what it is. The second is that knowledge consists not in bending the truth to ourselves, but in conforming ourselves to truth. We can only conform ourselves to truth by freely embracing and loving it, and we can only love truth if we are enticed by its beauty. Love of beauty has therefore always been integral to the discovery of truth and true education has always sought to form the heart and mind, reason and will, desire and knowledge. In short, education forms the whole person in light of truth, beauty, and goodness. 

About Our Curriculum

We use the St. Jerome Classical Education Program which emphasizes the joys and rigors of being a thinking, acting Catholic in today's world. Our curriculum highlights that truth and beauty are good in themselves and desirable for their own sake. We seek to incorporate our students into the wisdom of two thousand years of Catholic thought, history, culture, and arts so that they might understand themselves and their world in the light of the truth and acquire the character to live happy and integrated lives in the service of God and others. 

Mrs. Garrity

I love the classically inspired curriculum because it nurtures the whole child, mind body and soul. Prior to this I used to homeschool my kids, and it's a method I used in my own home with my children. It's nice coming into this place that values the same things that I do and that we did at home.

Mrs. Sanchez, Upper School Science & Mathematcis

Wonder: A feeling of surprise mingled with admiration caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable .

At Holy Child, Mrs. Sanchez approaches Science with  wonder. She often reminds us that she teaches Mathematics not just because it's useful, but because it is beautiful.

Ms. Stuchly, Upper School History and Poetry

Holy Child is the perfect place for the teacher to flourish alongside the students because of the truth we are discovering together.