Accreditations and Affiliations

WCEA Accreditation

Holy Child Catholic School's most recent accreditation process was completed in 2018 by the Western Catholic Educational Association (WCEA). The process was one of self-reflection on the unique identity and mission of the school. Below is the report of findings from the Visiting Committee sent by WCEA. The school excelled throughout the process and was granted six year accreditation status.

Institute for Catholic Liberal Education (ICLE)

The Institute for Catholic Liberal Education (ICLE) was founded in 1999 to help educators renew today’s Catholic schools by drawing on the Church’s tradition, which frees teachers and students for the joyful pursuit of faith, wisdom, and virtue. HCCS is a proud member school of ICLE and is listed on their website.

National Association of Private Catholic and Independent Schools

HCCS is also a member of NAPCIS. Membership in NAPCIS confirms the character and quality of the school and gives witness and support to its philosophy of education. It provides assurance that a school has met the high standards of spiritual and academic excellence which characterize NAPCIS schools. NAPCIS member schools must provide the required documentation and demonstrate that they operate under a Catholic philosophy of education; that they offer an academic environment of excellence that is consistent with the Catholic mission of the school; that they have responsible organizational structure and administration. Click here to learn more.

The Cardinal Newman Society

HCCS has received the Catholic Education Honor Roll (CEHR) run by the Cardinal Newman Society. This is a national program recognizing schools committed to strong Catholic identity. Recognized schools commit to and model the Principles of Catholic Identity in Education. This honor is not bestowed on every school that applies, but only those schools distinguishing themselves in the areas of Catholic identity and academic excellence. Here is our CEHR public application and the Principals of Catholic Identity in Education. Click here to learn more.

Classical Learning Test (CLT)

The Classic Learning Test (CLT) is an alternative to standardized testing rooted in tradition and using modern technology. The CLT offers students from diverse educational backgrounds an exceptional opportunity to demonstrate their academic formation. It is the most accurate and rigorous measure of reasoning, education, and academic formation. It features passages from great works across a variety of disciplines and cultures. Students take the exam online in just two hours and receive same-day results. CLT also provides colleges and secondary schools with the detailed information they need to make decisions about admissions, curricula, and instruction. Click here to learn more.

  • HCCS has been a testing site for the CLT and is very supportive of this new, rigorous alternative for standardized testing.

The American Classical League

The American Classical League celebrates, supports, and advances the teaching and learning of the Greek and Latin languages, literatures, and cultures and their timeless relevance. ​Mrs. Ruthanne Hamrick, and by extension Holy Child Catholic School, is a member of the American Classical League. Click here to learn more.

Catholic Textbook Project Success Story

The Catholic Textbook Project was formed to reignite curiosity and offer students the full story of history. A group of passionate Catholic educators launched Catholic Textbook Project in 2000 to create textbooks that proceed from the insight that mankind and history have been transformed irrevocably by Christ and his Church.

Click here to read about Holy Child Catholic school in a CTP featured success story. And visit the website to read an endorsement from Principal Martinez.

Archdiocese of Santa Fe

Doctors of the Church

Holy Child Catholic School is committed to preserving our Catholic intellectual tradition. This is why each of our classrooms is named after a Doctor of the Church.

At the bottom of each page of this website, you will see a photo of a Doctor of the Church and the classroom that honors that particular doctor.